Yesterday I hunted about 30 yds downwind of a cutover in an acorn flat. I shot a doe about 4:10. She ran 40 yds and piled up. I hang my bow up and just sitting there watching the other doe that was with her. She can't figure out why her friend ran over there, crashed into all those trees and fell down. So about 10 minutes pass and I hear something coming in the extremely dry leaves behind me. I turn to see a big black boar coming from my right. I grab my "hog/predator arrow" and get nocked up. He passes by about 20 yds and scoots across my shooting lane. About that time he intercepts the blood trail of the doe and stops on a dime. After a few seconds he begins to ease on and I still can't get a shot. He gets down wind of my deer and turns and makes a B line straight to her. Now I'm whistling and talking loudly to him. Mind you the other doe is only 25 yds from this as well. The hog then begins nudging my deer and pushing her around. I've heard they will eat meat so I'm thinking he about to start ripping into her. I can't get his attention with noise, so I lower my bow and climb down. I walk to within 20 yds of him, in the noisy leaves, and position for the shot. He's quartering away. Perfect for a big hog. I shoot and it drives forward. He hauls butt into the cutover and I hear him thrashing around. A minute or so passes and he runs back out into the woods with me. Passes about 20 yds from me and he has lost my arrow in the cutover. I see some intestines hanging out as he runs by. He's kind of just trotting, not running. I can tell he's hurt bad. He went about 40 yds from me and stopped. Standing there wobbling. I thought he was about to fall over. After about 5 minutes he just lays down on his stomach. I figured he's about done. I go check out my doe and look for my arrow. Go back up the tree to get the rest of my stuff. I hear him get up while I'm up the tree. So I gather everything and scurry back down the tree. I figure I need to waste another arrow on him. He staggers under a blow down and dissappears. I walk around the blow down and find him in the hole under the root ball of the tree. He's watching me walk around him. I'm trying to position for the kill shot at about 10 steps. I figured it was not wise, as I would not have any escape route if charged after the shot. So I ease out to go pick up dad and I figured we would just finish him off with dad's rifle. We get back and he is gone. I see blood leaving the hole and I'm sure he went into the cutover and died. I was not going there to look for him as it was dark at this time. He lost a lot of blood. Huge pools where he stood so long and where he layed down. Look liver blood. Maybe got one lung as well.

Just thought it was interesting. Would've made a great video! Have y'all heard of them eating other mammals?