Don't have great service up here will update later. Squeaky and ikillbux have pictures.


I killed this deer Friday morning the 3rd day of our hunt. I was set up in a funnel between a creek and a swamp. We have a very short history with this deer. He first showed up early in 2014. He looked like he had lots of potential but pencil racked. We havnt gotten another picture or seen him since. On Thursday morning I'm in this stand and a 3.5 year old 8 comes out with no shot opportunity. That evening wind stayed same do I stuck with the creek stand. I got skunked. Friday morning it was 34 with a slight north north west wind. I seen one doe early then later I see very thick horned 10 pt go the way the doe came from. He never slowed enough for a shot. Around 8:30 I have a spike and 3 pt come through 15 minutes later 2 does come from they way they went. They come behind me and mill around for awhile. About 9:40 I stand up and see a doe coming towards me from behind my stand. Then maybe 10 yds behind her there he is. First time I see them it's about 80yds. They are coming on a trail behind my stand that will put them 5 yds. When she comes from behind my tree she go on full alert. She is dead down wind. She is doing the Frankenstein walk and stopping looking trying to figure out where I'm at. This whole time he is at the base of my tree locked up. The tree is so big I can't shoot around it, but I can see his beams so I know he is still there. After about 5 minutes she gets nervous and bounds off to her left and he whirls around and starts back the way he came. She starts walking away from me and he decides the booty is worth the risk so he take an angle to he stopping in a cockaburr patch 33 yds from me. I changed my yards on the hha sight aimed and squeezed. It hit bottom of his lung. He tore through cockaburrs and run by my tree. I saw where I hit him but still had my doubts. Me and Chris backed out for 3 hours. When we went back in I looked for blood for s second but didn't see any, so I went to where I thought I heard him crash. Sure enough he didn't make it 100yds! After starring at him for awhile we began the drag out. The 350 yd drag took us about 2 hours. I'm so thankful to have a hunting partner like Chris with the same goals and ideas as me. Also thanks to Mike!

Last edited by mackdaddy; 11/13/16 04:28 PM.