Originally Posted By: Reno
"Respect" has been replaced with "expect" in this country..


I don't believe that 8 years of Obama was a generational faux pas...I believe the generational faux pas is, like Obama, a symptom of a different issue, that someone brought up earlier...parenting. family. values. ethics....these things stopped being taught, therefore they stopped being learned.

I voted against the downward spiral this country is in 2 weeks before the election. Tuesday, my father and my youngest son also voted, and voted the same way I did. That's representatives of 3 generations who each struck their blow for a better America. My youngest, voting for the first time ever in this election, has no idea what "parenting" means, and he's still learning and feeling his way with the other things...Anybody that knows him will tell you in no uncertain terms that "vote for this guy because I'm voting for him" just flat wouldn't hold water with him. He's VERY much his own person with his own brain, and while there are things to come for him that he's too young to understand, yet, he's obviously able to recognize the fundamental difference between left and right, good and evil, constructive and destructive.

My father, myself, and my son all had a distinct advantage over many...we were all taught those things from early on; parenting. family. values. ethics.

Well behaved women never make history.~ Out back
Quit laughing...I think I broke something.

Fifteen is my limit on Schnitzen-Gruben, Baby...

I have OCD and ADD, so everything has to be perfect, but only for a minute.