Originally Posted By: Atoler
Originally Posted By: captjab
Atoler, I have no problem with people that have different political views than myself. That's one of the many things that make this country what it is.
I do have an issue with people that want to blame the white working class man for their problems.
I've always been taught to respect my elders and it has gotten me a hell of a lot further in life than the blame game you want to play.

Captjab, respect is lost. I greet everyone with a certain level of respect and our interactions after that, determine whether my respect for them increases or decreases. OO and perch don't have mine at this point.

My post was simply pointing out the facts, of why I don't give a damn about perch's comments on my age. He is a miserable person, and finally got under my skin.

What j stated is factual. It is what it is, and I can point that out without blaming anyone. . We have been on a steady decline as a society since LBJ, both morally and economically. The economy is being held up by the Feds and has never hit bottom. It is built on a straw house and when it tumbles life will change as we know it. The moral decay is obvious. Both of these were on the steady decline well before Obama got in. He simply made it obvious enough for normal people to get riled up.

LOL..likewise Kid. Want some Cheese to go with your WHINE??? grin

No..you were BLAMING our generation...and your facts werent facts..just your opinion.

I think myself and others have provided you with facts..but Im sure youll ignore them.

Dang Debbie Downer..calm down. Our side WON!

We are going to make America Great again..well hopefully at least slow down the slide into socialism.

Last edited by outdoorobsession; 11/10/16 07:14 AM.