Exactly Troy.

These young guys want to blame us for their troubles..but here is the REALITY:


2012..67% of 18-28 yr old MILLENIALS vote for Obozo for KING!

in 2008 it was 66% for Obozo:


Thats the reality...you younger guys have noone to blame but youre own age group. They got him elected..and they are the ones needing "Safe spaces" "time outs" the rest of the week free from work or college to "heal", Dogs to pet to help them "get through the injustice", and "Grief conselling".

What a bunch of molly coddled whining little cry baby pansies!

They need to grow up.

Before Atoler starts talking about who "our" generations ( multiple I might add) voted for..he better look at WHO HIS generation has elected! Obozo..twice.

Ill take our record with Reagan, Bush etc. then Obozo 2x!

And a majority of HIS generation once again..voted for Hitlery.

Facts are a hard thing to deny. Reality check is his to take..not ours like he tried to say!

Just like it will take "several" Presidents to clean up this mess. No..it took ONE in 8 years with a pen doing executive orders to get us in it.
It will only take a day for him to sign executive orders UNDOING them with his pen..If he lets the border patrol CATCH illegals..instead of babysitting them..thats a big improvement.

Repeal Obamacare..another big hurdle.

So it wont take several presidents..it will just take 1, with a repub house and senate..and thats what we have. We also have a pissed off electorate that will PUNISH any repub pols that obstruct it from being done by getting them out of office.

So, again,the kids wrong.

Also, on a day when many of us are celebrating.. it comes as selfish and arrogant for him to come in playing "Debbie Downer" and stating what HE EXPECTS from the president. It is laughable actually..and again..highlights his arrogance.

Last edited by outdoorobsession; 11/10/16 05:26 AM.