Originally Posted By: Atoler
Originally Posted By: perchjerker
No little boy you need to grow up. You're 25 yrs old. You know nothing. Boo Hoo I feel your pain. The reality check is yours.

I've held my tongue with you because of your health. I've gone so far as to put you on ignore. Congratulations, you're the only one.

Your response, lacking in substance and personally attacking me, spells out the kind of person you are. Your posts constantly speak volumes about you. I had hoped that you simply were in so much pain that you have a chit attitude. I question that now.

Let me spell this out for you and outdoor obsession. People your age have frak-Ed our country. Your life experiences have taught both of you plenty, that I don't know. How to pick an elected official is not one of those things. You and the rest of baby boomers have an awful track record. All of the problems we face today, are your failures. Your generation has saddled me with an enormous weight on my back. Not only are the few tax payers my age loaded down with regulation, a shitty economy, and a massive tax load, we face a mountain of medical bills and social security checks that we will be responsible for. As your generation ages (I'm sure you are already taking advantage of it) our burden will increase, and as you all die off, we are left holding the bag. I'm not hopeful that my generation will do any better, but we are too screwed to start with, to ever know.

So, screw off with the age stuff. You've proven over your lifetimes that you don't know a damn thing about picking a president.

Relax man. Perchjerker is just playing a role on the forum here. I kind of think of him as one of those Finebaum callers that likes to rant all the time. Just keep that perspective on it.

Last edited by Irishguy; 11/10/16 04:24 AM.