Originally Posted By: Atoler
I held my nose and voted for him yesterday, but that hasn't changed my opinion of him based on his history. I think he is a very capable person, I'm simply not convinced of his intentions. I really hope that I'm wrong and most of you are right. We will have to wait and see on that end.

Either way, some of y'all need a reality check. I'm seeing all these claims of what he's going to do, what he will accomplish. Any real positive improvements will take multiple president's contributions. If he can get one or two policies implemented, he will be highly successful.

That's incorrect, because all of Obama's doings can be undone in the first 100 days. The only thing that requires Congressional repeal is Obamacare. Everything else was done by executive order, and Trump can just rip those up. I'm in no way saying he will do those things, I'm just saying that positive improvements will not take multiple presidents.