Whacked a really good buck yesterday afternoon. Was set up on some white oaks and he came in with a bachelor group of 4-5 other bucks. Shot looked marginal when it hit him so I backed out for an hour and a half or so before I started tracking. He ran down a creek bottom that is pretty thick in canes and I ended up losing the blood trail after about 100yds. Spent the next 30-45mins fanning out and walking up and down the creek bank with no luck at all. Finally went back to last blood and started looking around and noticed a few drops off the side of the trail and back about 5yds. Got to looking and found him laying in the canes not 15yds from where I had found last blood. He has all kind of stickers coming off of his bases. Main frame 8 with 13 total points over an inch. Will post pictures whenever my Photobucket account stops acting up and lets me log in.