Shot this 8 Friday afternoon for my first with the stick and string. It's just a young 2 year old that probably would have been a stud in a few years, but I couldn't pass him up at 20 yards for my first.

I've got at least 1000 pictures of him. He's been a 9 with a cool knife blade looking brow that he broke off at some point last week (of course).

Killed him on my new club in Jackson County. Set up on a ton of dropping white and pin oaks close to a heavy bedding area about 3/4 up a steep mountain. Shot him at 21 yards, he ran about 70 yards, started walking, and I lost sight of him. Gave it an hour and couldn't find any blood where he was standing, just white hair and the broadhead half of the arrow. Arrow smelled like gut shot. I walked to where I saw him start walking and started finding blood. He was bedded down about 20 yards from where he started walking. Well I jumped him, and he ran down the mountain. Gave it another hour and a half and tracked him another 150 yards, and he was still alive. Had to finish him off and drag him straight up that mountain tired

I've shot plenty bigger, but this being my first with a bow makes it even more exciting. Especially considering I've hunted hard the last two bow seasons, but haven't had the best property in the world, and have not had much in range. The Hoyt Maxxis 31 and Rage Hypodermic did the job!