Unfortunately perch, you have no say in that matter. Painter: to the extent that I can, I have. I have reduced my taxable income to a minimum so that the Feds extract as little from me as possible - although that doesn't mean much as they will simply print what they please out of thin air - in direct violation of the Coinage Act. I will vote for Trump in the hopes that he will put America first, make our so called allies (like the head chopping Saudi's) pay for their own defense. After all, I find it nauseating that we defend a nation that chops women's heads off for witchcraft and sorcery. I wonder how many of our soldiers ever thought about that when they deployed to the desert?

I put as much wild food in the freezer as I can, I grow much of my produce. In short I have worked to reduce my input into the system, and my dependence upon it.

I find it funny that not one of you men have been able to refute a single fact that I have pointed out. Every response has been an insult and I have been told to leave.

This is how liberals act. They get mad, facts be damned, they insult and call names. If you can't refute a single thing that I have said, perhaps you should rethink your position on things.

After all, I'm pretty sure most here will admit that Hillary Clinton is a criminal and I believe most here believe James Comey let her walk free as a result of political pressure.

Yet people here refuse to hold rank and file Federal Agents to the same standard that they hold James Comey. That is hypocrisy. I hear lots of talk about how sacred the Feds take their oath to the Constitution, yet when they utterly and completely fail to uphold that oath - there is nothing here but silence.

Can you say double standard?

When Hillary gives the order to confiscate guns, it will be interesting to see how many of your Fed heroes will stand up and do the right thing. Based on what we've seen so far - I'd say not a single one.

Hopefully I'm wrong. I believe we'll see one way or the other soon enough.

Have good evening. Enjoy your groupthink little club.