I wash all of my clothing in Pine Power which is kinda like Pine-sol but more pure.I bathe with Ivory soap and before I dry off I mist myself down with baking soda water while still standing in the shower.I gargle with listerene and brush my tongue.I do use sprays on my clothes but am not fooled with thinking that they eliminate all scent.They just break up the molecules to make the deer think you are further away than you really are.Deer have a safe zone that they will keep and it really ain't that far.So if they think you are further away then they know you are somewhere but not quite as close as they think.I also wear a base layer that has silver infused into the thread.Silver is antimicrobial.You have to pay attention to the wind but as everybody knows in Alabama the wind changes direction every 15 minutes.I also hunt high in the trees which really helps on morning hunts with rising thermals.I haven't been blown at in over 15 years in the a.m and only a handful of times in the evenings.Scent control is attainable but scent elimination is impossible.

Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation,whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life;of whom shall I be afraid?