Originally Posted By: Vernon Tull
Originally Posted By: goodman_hunter
I have the feeling this thread is gonna lead to a lot less folks posting deer pics.

In all seriousness, this is correct. If I ever did kill a deer, I would be very hesitant to post a pic of it on ALDEER now because of how easy it is to ruin someone's reputation -- deserved or not. All it takes is an accusation and you never fully get your good name back.

If and when that ever happens, Mr. Tull, there will be no issues for you. Hell, we might even get it linked to the Drudge Report and ask for a National Holiday laugh

I have found that many people that consistently kill free range, big deer IN the state of Alabama do NOT post their kills on open forums. One or two deer, maybe.

When your only posts are of stud deer and nothing else AND your previous screen name had similar posts, it made people wonder.

I really do feel sorry for the kid and hope he will learn that there are some things in life you should not do.