Originally Posted By: slippinlipjr
I buy a new notebook every September. Write Deer Season 2016 on the front. Then the whole month of September, I write down the results of all my camera surveys and work done during the month, places scouted, my thoughts on said places, and any other detail I think I may want to reflect on some day. If I am hunting a public property, I get an extra copy of the permit or map to write down where the stand locations are so I won't forget. If it is private land I print out an aerial photo on Google earth and do the same. When the season rolls around, I write down the date, what stand I'm in, times in the stand, weather conditions including barometric pressure, deer seen/killed/heard, where the deer came from and what times I saw the deer. Yes.....I have OCD. I've fiddled with a few apps but none are to my liking as of yet.

Doesn't that get confusing, since you write deer season 2016 on all of them? grin

83% of all statistics are made up.