Originally Posted By: Skinny
Keep in mind, its not what us rednecks here in Alabama thinks that counts, its what those fence sitters in the swing states think that counts.

Thats a little too simplistic. What really matters is who will actually go to the polling place and vote. I think alot of polls are skewed because it is just someone answering the phone at home. There was no effort on HRC "supporters". But to actually get up, drive to the polling place, find a park, and go inside and vote does take effort.

And just about everybody agrees that there is not very much excitement on HRC side. Her rallies have small crowds and she has so few. Sometimes just a couple per week.

Trump on the other hand has very excited crowds. Large crowds and does multiple rallies every day. These people will make the effort to vote. I dont think we will see a huge democrat turnout because of this. People were excited to vote for the first (half) black president, but nobody really cares about granny Clinton.

I understand her being tired all the time. I am not as old as her and could not go like that. I do not know where Trump gets his energy.

I love my country, but don't trust my government.