Originally Posted By: bigt
Originally Posted By: Recurve
Originally Posted By: Big Al
Originally Posted By: BIG-AL
Originally Posted By: perchjerker
Why do libitards join this site ? They know we hate the very people they endorse and their way for America. So many of the newer members are a pain in the azz. I just put the ol ignore button on them !

It ain't just new members. A lot of our older members are Democrats they just don't know it.

Some may seem democratic in their replies, but I believe that is disappointment from Donald Trump not being the conservative candidate that we want him to be. As bas as he is, he is the best choice and I would like to think that most if not all on this site will be voting for him. When you weigh the options, he is the best that will be on the ticket on November 8. And, this is coming from a voter who once claimed to be a "Never Trumper." I've prayed and thought about it and I am at least smart enough (I hope its smartness) to know that the nominations and appointments of Supreme Court Justices is of vital importance for the United States of America. Hopefully, the Donald will hold true to his word and make conservative nominations and we'll have a Congress that will confirm and appoint his nominees. Hillary will destroy the country with her possible appointees (just think if one of those appointees is Barak Hussein (in Arabic "Destroyer") Obama.

This is the first time in 16 years of being on aldeer that I've ever had a string run this long. Thanks to all who have responded and all I ask is that we all continue to pray for our great country. We need to be diligent and discerning. We are talking about our children's, grand children's, great-grandchildren's, etc. future. If we continue to let this great country slide into the toilet bowl, we, already owing them an apology, will owe them an even greater apology. It is our generation and at least one before us that have let the U.S. slide to where it currently stands. It's time for a major change. God bless!

It is disappointment. I think if everyone would be honest they could admit that yes he is a bad candidate. That doesn't mean I'm not voting for him. I would/will vote for him in a heart beat over Hillary. I despise her. But, if you are voting for Trump and you are one of his hardcore supporters, it is time to acknowledge he has his short comings. These are shortcomings that really could hurt him and have hurt him up until a couple weeks ago. People just can't take reality.

But, I agree. All we can do is pray for our country.

I agree he is not the greatest candidate, but I refuse to join in on the bashing lest I might actually sway someone not to vote for him. That is the biggest problem I see with everyone that is jumping on the bash Trump train. We only have two real choices and I definitely do not want to be the one confusing some undecided or on the fence voter to vote for Hillary.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to sway voters away from him. Like I said, I'm voting for Trump. I just don't want to see people continue to act like everything he touches is gold and recognize he has some issues he needs to get better on. These debates this close to the election are huge and he needs to be on his game. Politics isn't his wheel house and it shows.

He also needs to convince conservative voters that he is going to surround himself with like minded people. Look, when he says stuff like "no fly no buy" and is advocating for paid maternity leave it gives limited government conservatives pause. These are constitutional issues that need pointed out and settled. My only point is, this stuff needs settled and he needs to let his people close to him coach him on these debates.

I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There�s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts. � Ronald Reagan