Originally Posted By: trox28
Originally Posted By: Ryano
As bad as it sounds when mine hurts it is tough to pick up a 20 ounce drink. I know your pain. Mine started after a white bass fishing trip with a spinning reel. I set the hook over 100 times that day. When I started playing coed softball this year it would hurt for days after taking about 20 swings. After a few weeks of hurting but continuing to play it stopped. I later watched a show during a braves rain delay on tommy johns and they were talking about how the pro athletes are babied and have more elbow issues. The old method was to tough it out and throw through it and that worked. Makes sense.

Mine comes from slinging a hammer for so many years.It don't slow me down a bit just hurts all the time.

Don't know what you use, but switching from steel to fiberglass or wood handles can make a big difference. Several years back when work got real slow I took a whole month off during deer season and it cleared right up!