Originally Posted By: mw2015
Originally Posted By: trox28
Anybody else have problems with their elbows?Both my elbows hurt all the time but the Lil ball on the inside of my left elbow hurts like a mofo and burns like hell all the time.The more I use it the more it hurts and it's getting worse.Just wondering if any of yall have the same problem?I don't know if it's tennis elbow, tendinitis or what but it's aggrevating as hell.

Yes. Likely tendonitis and I've had it bad. It has to be some repetitive motion you are doing Trox. Mine started when I did a boxing workout. My left hook started the problem. Other folks could be tennis or golf or something you do at work. Ice and physical therapy and hope you don't need the shot. I got the shot and physical therapy after it wouldn't get better. The shot did the trick & I haven't had the pain in 4.5 years. Shot in tendon hurts but end result is worth it. If you don't change or modify the repetitive motion causing the pain though, you'll never get over it.

Same here trox, shots are the ticket....and of course finding out what the cause is and try to figure out a way to do it different or stop doing it. I