Hey trackncur.......What percentage of live deer would you say most folks recover?

Otis and I dealt with several live deer last year and the ones we successfully bayed and dispatched happened quick, there wasn't a long chase or anything. I don't know if you saw the picture of the foot shot I posted the other day but that deer had also been shot low and back in the guts and it was a back foot that was nearly shot off. When Otis jumped it, it didn't go 60 yards and he had it hemmed up.

I'm just nervous about running these deer. I'm really reluctant to even do it if Otis doesn't bay the deer on the jump like the back foot shot. That's when I feel like I have the highest probability for something to go wrong. I'm thinking that if he isn't hurt bad enough to bay on the jump then that will be where I call it....and either come back later to track it again or chalk it up to one that doesn't get recovered. I realize that this may leave some "on the table" that might could be recovered if you chased them for 1/2 mile or mile....but that's got to be a pretty low recovery rate on those chases, no? I wouldn't be so worried about it we were just talking about a few tracks for friends and family or something of that nature....but if I'm tracking deer after deer for the broader hunting community around me then it seems like a high probability for something to for sure eventually go wrong if I chase all those deer.

Just thinking out loud.

We dont rent pigs