I know someone who had Kiffen hit on his friend (asked her to his room) at the team Hotel when he was the head coach at UT. It is a fact.

Most affairs don't make the newspaper as you know.

But my point is, a lot of these dudes are cheating.

That wont stop someone from hiring him.

Originally Posted By: doekiller
Originally Posted By: burbank
Kiffens indiscretions are well known.

That being said, it makes me laugh out loud when folks say they don't want x coach or y coach due to things they have done.

If that is the case, you might as well shut down the AD.

On Gus, the pres of AU has announced his retirement. Jacobs may not be far behind.
Originally Posted By: doekiller
Originally Posted By: hunterbuck
Originally Posted By: jawbone
Originally Posted By: Phil_Army
Would AU hire Lane Kiffin?

If they did, I swear I would send my diploma back to them since I probably won't need it in the job market any more in my lifetime. Too me it stands for more than lowering the ethical standards all in the name of winning football. Same thing with Briles. I say this noting that Kiff's indiscretions are not in the same league as Brile's.

Why didn't you send it back when Auburn hired Pearl?

His hate for Kiffen is blinding him. Kiffen's "indiscretions" are all rumor and innuendo. No one has ever produced any evidence to back up all those claims.

Well known rumors. Show me one credible news link to any indiscretions with Kiffen.