Brandon....I like the Facebook on Alabama tracking. I`m not a Facebook guru but I like to read about what goes on out there. It can be fun and informative to read about whats going on around in Alabama. I like to look at the pictures and how things went down in a track. As I said I don`t consider myself a pro at tracking but I have learned a few things over the years and I would be happy to share to all what I have experienced. I don`t blow a lot of a lot smoke to make myself look good hoping one would want my john henry. What works for me may work good for you but getting ideas form a lot of trackers will help others.

I started out with one dog (puppy) trainded her and it got so I realized I needed another dog. If you have one dog and it gets hurt you can`t help hunters find their deer. I did get another dog trained him..Jake a kimmer curr but will never have a another curr dog...he is a good dog but currs don`t make for a friendly dog around other dogs. After Jake got on his way I got another dog Caroline (female) trained her and she is good as Jake. And a couple of years ago I got two Plott puppies...wrong thing to do and I knew it, its hard to train two puppies at a time (I`m sharing this with you). If you have a dog that is doing pretty good and is 3 years old it would be a good time to get a another can train a puppy a lot faster running it with another trained dog. My two plott puppies are doing well now but it was a job rotating them out on every track we went on. I don`t buy a two year old dog that is started, I feel if you get a puppy at 7/8 weeks and bond with it take really good care of it and work with it, show it a lot of love in dogs will hunt their hearts out.

What I just shared is what others need to hear (the facts not BS) and the Facebook page would be a great place for us to learn from. Looking forward to reading your experiences. on Facebook.

Last edited by AJNiette; 09/09/16 02:47 AM.