My uncle. He and one of his buddies filmed each other, 30 years ago. After I watched some of their homemade videos I wanted to be like him. Got a bow for Christmas and he and his buddy set it up for me. I stuck a doe my first trip in the woods. Great blood trail but never found her. Liver hit I imagine. I was 13 then. As I grew up, I had my dad and another buddy filming me. I stuck probably half a dozen deer before I finally recovered one. The one day I didn't have anyone filming me, I killed my first with the bow. It also happened to be my first rack buck ever. 1.5 year old 8 point. He was the 10th rack buck in the field. 3 of them were STUDS! Anyhow, I made the shot shaking like a leaf. Hit him forward and low in brisket. It exited and cut an artery in his off side leg. Terrible shot. That was my first shoulder mount as well. smile Never did get a kill on video.