Tonight was a bust. Went to a spot just to check things out and wont be in there again. Next hunt, Saturday. Talked to the son so, we just gonna hunt and make it home in time for the Bama game. Friday's out, picking up my wife and daughter from the airport in Portland after their ONE MONTH vacation to Mobile with a 2 week stint in an Orange Beach condo. She needs to get home and cook.

Couple little reviews from some new items I picked up this year

*Swarovski 10x42 SLC, sweet. Clear, gather light well and well worth the money.

*KUIU Teton pants. Very comfortable hiking and biking. I got both patterns and really like both. I really like the size of the pockets and the zippers on them as well. They came with a 34 inseam, I had them cut to 31. The Verde camo blends really well with the green vegetation. The Vias looked good in timber as well as the clearcuts with the brown grass.

Core4Element light weight shirts from Camofire. Very comfy and breath well. I like the arm sleeve pocket for keeping a couple reeds in.