Well, if you're hunting or fishing in an area where, let's say, Yotetrapper, Matt, or Nighthunter are assigned, their understanding and interpretation of the laws will make the difference in you getting a citation or not when you meet them. They are going to enforce based on their understanding at the time.

They are human beings just like everybody else here. They ain't likely gonna bust you open if you're trying to be honest.

I'll take the word of an informed friend like them in the field.

If I fuckup, I'll pay the fine.

Thanks guys, from a Florida hunter that tries to play by the rules.

And Skinny, I do see your point on the "official" goobers wanting to hide from daylight and hard questions. The rulebook pamphlet and the actual codified laws are in conflict sometimes, as 49er used to point out. Add the Federal laws to the mix for Migratory birds, and it gets confusing.