Originally Posted By: sbo1971
Originally Posted By: Fun4all
Too many people are over listening to BS and over thinking it. Pretty simple Hillary is not an option under ANY situation.
You can not vote or you can vote for Hillary and know the country is screwed and you helped. Or, you can vote for Trump and hold his feet to the fire once he's in office. Or, you can elect Hillary and she will do as she pleases and WILL HOLD YOUR FEET, YOUR WIFE'S FEET AND YOUR CHILDREN'S FEET TO THE FIRE!!!!!

Any clearer now??

Explain how "we" can hold his feet to the fire? What are you going to do to him to hold him accountable? That is the biggest bunch of bull crap that people always say but NEVER do!!!. Name one time in this country's history that "We the people" have held a president accountable, it has always been Congress that has either attempted or succeeded in keeping a president in check.

Once again a trumpster doesn't understand that no one has said that they will vote for Hillary or not vote at all in this thread, you guys are just like freaking democrats, if someone doesn't blindly agree with trump then you start spouting off stupid stuff.

LOL, thanks for humping on the Trumpster theme!! Obviously, the Hillary is NOT an option part was missed, or she is a great option to some. Please in all the wisdom what is the best choice for this Election?? Hillary?? Gary?? The Green Candidate?? I don't vote incumbent if they have been fleecing the taxpayer for more than 12 years and nobody else should either!! EVERY politician below the Executive Branch should be paid directly from the State/district they represent because they are NOT federal employees they represent their State/district.
The government is what has caused the problem, doesn't take much looking on this site to see that in full display and those that grovel at governments feet to use it's authoritarian force to "fix it".

A person can choose to skip along behind the flute playing satr (government promising "fixes") on the path to hell. Or, you can have courage stand up and say enough with the status quo "fixes" and demand that those that represent you do their damn job, or send them packing if they don't.

Letting Hillary prance into office and stomp on me, my wife (if I had one) and kids & grandkids is NOT an option.

"After all, it is not the killing that brings satisfaction; it is the contest of skill and cunning. The true hunter counts his achievement in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport." Dr. Saxton Pope