I don't care to start running cameras until the bucks have grown most of their antlers. I start them in September. I check them every 3-5 days during that time. I'll get most of the bucks that we kill during that time. During the rut, there may be a different buck or two show up. During hunting season, I'll check them about every other day or at the most every 3rd day and during daylight only. I need to know as soon as a deer enters the area, cause I've found that I have a 3-5 day window to kill him before it starts all over again. I haven't seen any adverse impact on checking them in this manner, either. YMMV, but this is the system that I've developed and it's been working for me for years.

I move my cameras around, until I find the buck I want moving in the daylight regularly.

83% of all statistics are made up.