Originally Posted By: bigt
Originally Posted By: Yelp softly
Maybe I should clarify. If you have pictures of a deer and he was later killed 3/4 of a mile away, then the camera didn't help you kill that deer. It was coincidence. I am wanting to hear from the guys that use cameras to pattern and kill mature bucks. Is it possible?

It is possible from my experience but it has more to do with the individual bucks personality than the hunter's camera strategy in my opinion.....We have killed a few 5 1/2 plus year old bucks using cameras but many more have eluded us than we have gotten. The ones that got killed all seemed to follow the same day time patterns at the same time in the same area each year. Once we found that pattern they were usually killed within a hundred yards of the cameras.......

Correct, if the buck is a homebody you can do something with him, if he's a drifter then good luck with that. Some camera strategies may work better than others as for as not spooking. You still have to have one that will cooperate.

"Why do you ask"?

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