I would say smell/sight/sound. Leave in time to slip to your stand quietly, downwind of where you expect to see deer. The approach should all be figured out before the day of the hunt.

I used to be in the "get in an hour before daylight" and "let things settle down" group. Then I realized how many deer I could hear running off due to me bumbling in the dark.

Now, I start my walk in at good seeing light. I've walked up on deer that would have seen me had I tried to get in earlier. If you take your time and slip in from downwind you won't need time "to let things settled down" because you never stirred things up. My two pennies.

And stay off those 4wheelers and use the 4wd the good Lord gave you, your two feet.

Last edited by 3toe; 07/25/16 05:55 AM.