Originally Posted By: Moose24
France definitely needs to grow a pair. And do it in a hurry! Most of the pictures I have seen show police with nothing more than pistols trying to stop this guy. Does that seem right? The guys with the heavier arms did not show until afterwards.

France was once one of the greatest empires to ever exist. We owe the existence of our nation to them for their assistance during the Revolutionary war. The armies of Napoleon were most defiantly not cowards.

The change occurred at the end of World War I. The French bore the brunt of that war and most of its men were killed or maimed as that war was the worst ever fought. I believe that war was worse than our civil war or World War II. The French men were the ones who loved their country and fought for it. The men who were left, who did not fight, were the cowards and pacifists. Without the strong men in leadership they as a county lost their strength and fortitude.

That is why the Germans were able to roll over them with little resistance in World War II, and why they have been seen as weak since then.

For that same reason I am concerned for our country, as we have lost alot of strong leaders and have a growing population of snowflakes.

I love my country, but don't trust my government.