Originally Posted By: SouthBamaSlayer

Originally Posted By: Dallas County
The dog bite bill got me to looking at my statement of benefits.
1)Had a son go into the ER on a Saturday b/c he thought he might have appendicitis. One CT scan and 1.5 hours later he was released - something else minor. Bill $11,187 just for ER, havent gotten the Dr bill yet.
2)I went to ENT b/c my ears were causing problems. Drops in ears and they stuck something in my nose to look in it. All at the doctors office. Bill listed "surgery" and was for $900 of which my insurance paid $65 and said I owed the rest. I'm going to see them tomorrow afternoon - billing department that is. Just got the bill - visit was in November and now I can't use my flex account to pay it.
3) Son got a knee brace after surgery - $1,500. Insurance paid none. My wife took two braces with her to the hospital from the same company (from another childs surgery) but they said they wouldnt work on this son. You lay the 3 side by side and you can't tell them apart.

Pisses me off!

And to think any illegal could walk into the ER, write down a fake name, get the same treatment for free and never pay a dime.

Hate to tell you but they don't even have to use a fake name.

Taylor, don't you wish old Dr. Moore still had his clinic in Orrville? Well not you, but you know what I'm getting at. Until Medicare forced him out, for $35 cash only, you could go see a MD and that includes the prescription and all. Wasn't that many years ago either.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.