I’ve watched some more of the videos on this Holganix stuff out of curiosity. These guys have actually found a good niche to tap into for their business. I notice that it seems like they are marketing a lot to turfgrass managers….like golf courses or ballfields, etc….One of the big things that those managers are missing and can really do nothing about is diversity. They can only grow grass. That lack of diversity above ground also creates a lack of diversity below ground. We as food plot managers have the option of being able to grow diversity in our plots though. With plant diversity comes a home for microbial diversity……and one of the big reasons why we want our soil teeming with microbial diversity is because it is this microbial community that is responsible for mineralizing the soil nutrients and making them available to the plant.

I’d say that this product would likely help you in the beginning but for sure take that with a grain of salt. I feel like you could do pretty much the same thing though with chicken litter but I know that’s not available to everyone. This product may actually be a lot more diverse in what it contains. However, keep in mind though that if you throw an animal out into the middle of the desert it will eventually die. The Holganix is actually putting in temporary food sources in their product to give the microbial life something to run on for a while. Long term though, the bigger picture will depend on how you manage the soil. If you manage for a biological desert then the process will cease...the soil animals will die. In order to keep the cycle going you have to create a home for the microbial community. If not, you’ll just need another bag…and another bag….and another bag.

There was another similar product someone posted up awhile back that was basically selling the benefits of organic matter in a bag. You see, organic matter in a nutshell adds negative ions to your soil that creates more sites for our positively charged nutrients to bond to. Basically what these folks had done is to refine a product down to being a bag full of those negative ions. You buy the product, spread it on your field, and it very likely does work and help. But you have to keep the bigger picture in mind and it’s the same thing I’m saying about this Holganix product. I can continue to keep my soil void of organic matter and buy the benefits of it from a bag…..or I can manage the soil differently and create organic matter on my own. It’s not to say that the products don’t work or won’t help….it’s just saying to be mindful of why you’re using them.

Last edited by CNC; 07/12/16 04:38 AM.

We dont rent pigs