Originally Posted By: Remington270
Originally Posted By: M48scout
I understand your point, but I'll offer a counter point: "some of y'all won't be happy till the season is open year round". I obviously say that tounge in cheek, but it think there is a percentage of hunters that would not be satisfied with a 9 month, or even 12 month season. If we cut 10 days off a 9 month season, they would scream "there's already a yearly limit - don't nobody make you go hunting!" Keep the 9 month season!!. Nevermind that a 9 month season would allow EVERYone to get their precious 3 bucks and couple-freezers-o-does.

Forgive my frustration, but threre'sonly so much the land can give, and a very small percentage of people can exhibit both knowledge of what that limit is, and self control.

I hear ya, and I don't want folks to kill too many either, but put a dang limit on does if that's your goal. Season length and one doe a day is probably excessive on every property.

And 2Dogs, if you want to talk biology, it was the biologists that did and some still do, telling us to kill "every doe you see", and that mentality has gotten us to this point more than any season length ever did.

So now we get more days to shoot does that don't need to be shot. Still no sound biology in sight.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.