Seeing that other thread on how long the deer season is made me realize: Some of y'all won't be happy till they shut this whole deer hunting thing off. Make it a lottery, give out a few hundred tags and make rifle hunting short or non-existent. It just makes me scratch my head.

I don't have a super-high deer population, but dang y'all just need to be happy we can hunt all winter. Some folks get to do it one week per year. We can't all take off work for 10 days straight and hunt the rut, heck I don't even know exactly when my rut is.

Deer hunting is so much more than antlers. It's getting together in the fall and winter and watching football and grilling out after an afternoon hunt. It's getting kids excited about being with their fathers in the woods. And most of all it's about enjoying God's blessings he has blessed us with, even if it's a cow horn spike.

All I ask is that y'all keep the big picture in mind. I'll probably never kill a 160 inch deer and I'm OK with that.