One of the funniest things I believe I have seen:

Was bowhunting about 10-years ago and after the sun went down, I climbed down and began easing my way towards my friend who was about 150-200 yards away. As I got closer, I heard a couple of deer take off running - and my friend starts cussing (loudly). My immediate thought was that I had spooked the deer that he was about to shoot and he was cussing about me scaring the deer off.

As I approach his tree - I notice 5 or 6 arrows stuck in the ground directly under his stand. As it turned out - when he would nock an arrow and lean over to shoot (apparently the deer was directly beneath him eating acorns) - the nock would release from the serving and the arrow would fall to the ground. The final straw was - the doe had raised her head and was was looking my way, when the final arrow released and fell beside her scaring her off.

"The struggle you're in today, is developing the strength you need for tomorrow."