Originally Posted By: NEbamahunter
Originally Posted By: tfd1224
Originally Posted By: NEbamahunter
Originally Posted By: Atoler
Go buy you some cheap academy brand mallards, and make a jerk rig. 3 demes on a jerk rig will do the trick if you're in the right spot

I second this... don't waste your money since you are probably hunting places ducks are coming to anyway. Some folks don't understand the concept of hunting where the ducks WANT to be... throwing out 2-10 dozen decoys won't make em come if they aren't using the place already.

those cheap academy decoys are paper thin in spots and crack and won't hold paint for more than one season. Why not spend twice as much to get some avian-x or Dakotas that look super realistic and will last for years and years?

I've got a cpl dozen academy decoys that have 4 years of heavy use (23-33 days/yr over that period) and they are holding up great. I imagine an average duck hunter/weekend warrior could get a decade of use out of them since they are only going 6-7 times/yr. If someone really wants durable decoys then buy some G&Hs as I still own some that nearly as good as new and they are on their 22nd season. Avian-x and dakota need to be babied in slotted bags to keep that paint pur-dee (I know, I've got some of them as well). Best bet is buy something cheap off craiglist and bypass all the new prices anyway.

Well, I bought a dozen game winner carvers edge dekes and I have thrown 4 of them away due to breaking. The paint is worn down on the rest of them. I only hunt over my avian x dekes now and believe it or not, they do make a difference where I hunt.

Yeah cmon. Daniel White