Originally Posted By: roadkill
Never had any problems with gorillas in Vietnam. I did have a pet spider monkey though. Named him Cpt Jack (short for jackoff) cause he always self entertained. I traded a South Vietnamese soldier a pack of cigarettes for him. Found out quick why I got him so cheap. He had to have been the worst pet monkey ever. Mean, nasty, bit, threw feces at you, tore up anything he could get his nasty little hands on. One day just about dark he got loose and ran out of the bunker and got into the wire around the firebase. He set off a trip flare. The flare set the weeds on fire and that set off a two more flares then a small booby trap. The guards thought VC were trying to get in again so they started firing a machine gun and some illumination flares. Last I saw of Cpt jack was a streak of fur with his ass on fire running down the bunker line setting off trip flares and screeching like a demented primate. Well, I guess that's what he was. No regrets. Wasn't much of a pet anyway.

rofl That was funny!

There are two types of gun enthusiasts ... Those who have been F#CKED by PTG and those who will be!

~ unknown