Originally Posted By: NightHunter
Originally Posted By: Frankie
NightHunter , i'm thankful to you and Matt and others but i'm done with this . it's law so be it .

Don't be done. I want you to understand where we're coming from. You do not have to know current, "exact" numbers to manage a population. You do have to know the other things I mentioned.

If we know by looking at the habitat and observation rates (a few other things too) then we can derive that the population is within CC. We do surveys to gather rate of growth but we do not have a way to get the rate of removal. Only by having all metrics can we actually give an educated assessment of any population. In actuality we need these metrics to be gathered in localized populations. Game Check will allow us to do that.

The problem as I see it is, information/assumptions taken from small statistical size surveys to create a number for a total populations (guess/assumption at most except where the sample/survey was taken and extrapolating to an overall population), then demanding, no, forcing detailed specific information from the hunters through threat of governmental punishment to provide information is just the normal "by golly, you are going to do it the governments way or else" attitude is what the problem is.

I have no problem the the study and gathering of information to make decisions needed for duties established by legislation for the ALDCNR. Like many others on here the issues are taken with the force of which government bodies are willing to use to get their way when there are other ways to do it that will provide the same information that are on voluntary basis. However, nothing is voluntary other than submitting to the governments force in the governments view!


NightHunter, this is not a knock on the biologist, it is an indictment of the government system and government mindset.

"After all, it is not the killing that brings satisfaction; it is the contest of skill and cunning. The true hunter counts his achievement in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport." Dr. Saxton Pope