With the latest incident I'm about ready to give up, and only 10 months into shooting a bow. Since Feb 1st there has been nothing but problems; 6 times the center serving separated, D-loop broke on the 5th shot the same day I got it back from the shop(they just tied it on that a.m.), QAD rest that was not dropping fast enough and kept getting hit by the arrow, peep sight that cut 2 strings, and just last week I noticed some serious lean in the bottom cam as well as wear on the cable from rubbing the cam.

Took it to the shop, bad out of timing. Well picked my bow up today; the string that the last shop had made and put on was nearly 2 inches too long but it was now timed and ready to go. Me and the man at the shop shot the bow a few times and I went home. This evening I was going to use some D-loop string as a kisser since my anchor had changed and had already been considering this prior to taking it to the shop. I nocked an arrow (after the D-loop broke on me I will never draw a bow without an arrow nocked)and half way into the draw I hear a pop/crack, my hand comes back and hits me in the face and my arrow goes sailing into the woods.

So I look and my D-loop came apart at the bottom knot, I go inside, sit down and turn the lamp on to check out what happened. That's when I spot an even bigger problem, top right limb is cracked. What in the world? This is about to really piss me off, this bow is only 6 months old.

Last edited by sbo1971; 06/03/16 06:25 PM.

Elite Omnia, Easton FMJ, Axcel Landslyde 5 pin slider.