Originally Posted By: 257wbymag
Wouldn't matter if it was throw and mow or plowed ground it'd be dead up here. We're bad off. On a side note I planted no till corn on April 26 into sunn hemp and wheat cover crop stubble from last year and as of now it's hanging on. Better than no cover ground is.

That’s one of the reasons I’m going the route I am this summer... so that drought and timely rains really aren't a factor as much. If I have what you want to call a “cash crop” in my rotation, then it would definitely be my winter plot. Due to be limited by acreage, nothing I do during the summer really has much impact on what I see during hunting season. Deer switch feeding patterns in early fall and everything changes from that point. I’ve come to the conclusion that in my situation, I’m much better off to spend my summer months protecting and improving my soil so that I can grow a better winter cash crop.

Last edited by CNC; 05/28/16 08:49 AM.

We dont rent pigs