Guys, first I want to say thank y'all for praying for my son, Luke.

After several weeks of Dr visits, blood work, and trips to specialist, they sent us back to Vanderbilt Children's hospital. They ran more test and everything has come back clear!

They can't find any sign of any kind of disease. He's a perfectly healthy 7yo.

I have no doubt where our help came from. There were ppl from all over Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia praying for him, and I believe with everything in me that God healed my son.

I want to take this time to thank the Lord for moving on our behalf. Praise be to God. Too often, I don't praise God for all that he does, but I thank him for this blessing. I can't describe the peace I had in this situation. It's an assurance that can only come from knowing Jesus.

If there is anything troubling you in life, please take it to God. There is nothing too big for the Great I AM.

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?