13"-22" machete with a well tuned convex edge, and a push stick. so much lighter than a bank blade of any kind. a push stick has a fork at the end to help you push blackberry stems, etc., away from you and hold them while you flick the machete. also good for holding down snake heads. marbles (made by condor, i think), imacasa, tramontina, and such are good quality, but you will have to do the final dress on the edge. cold steel machetes are a crap shoot. i went through a whole rack at a store one day, and did not find a single unbent blade. never, ever buy one made in china (like that gerber trash); you don't know what the steel quality is. as R H Clark said, machete specialists is your friend. and please, learn to properly sharpen your machete; makes all the difference in the field.

Joshua 1:9