This thread shows me why we have been unable to significantly impact the direction of our society with respect to our values and beliefs, not necessarily as purely Christian, but as conservatives in general. You don't have to be a Bible Beater to be conservative. Conservative principals surpass religion in a lot of ways.

Some here seem to be Hillary Supporters but they just don't want to admit it. Others seem to appear to relish in a sense of moral superiority.

From my chair they are one and the same. Their antipathy towards others intersects at the same place, however the fundamental problem is that our political system favors the liberals because of their numbers, yet the staunch conservatives are unwilling to conceded. And because of that they have become such a minority in this country that they will never turn the tables in one fell swoop. Nevertheless they continue to try over and over.

So they WILL dam the torpedoes and trudge forward to their continued demise while they eat the plate they are served by the liberals. Because unlike voting the laws, rules and regulations you must live under in this country are simply not optional.

If you take nothing else away from this you need to re-read the previous paragraph.

The liberals clearly understand the longevity of their stuggle and are totally at peace with simply chipping away at the foundations of this country and our society. Obamacare is a good example. That's been in the works for years and is the first step towards completely socialized medicine. Other examples are things like homosexuality and other perversions. They put it on your TV every night for 20 years and then everyone thinks men who want to be women are "so brave" and your 12 year old daughter is sharing a bathroom with a sexual predator.

I am extremely conservative myself, but I find it interesting that if one took a single issue such as abortion, for which we believe this country is sinful for allowing this practice to continue, that a person could with a clear conscious place themselves upon such a pedestal of morality that they would not vote. All the while knowing that by abstaining they are giving a better chance to a candidate who will clearly elect 3 judges to our highest court to uphold such a sinful practice. That is a guaranteed fact.

I find that very interesting.

My mind is completely wired the other way, the same as the liberals, as to what it takes to achieve the goal. Look, I think they are all crooks myself. Republicans and Democrats alike. I do understand however, that I am not better than the system. So I'll go vote and continue to watch our demise. I have decided and I am at peace with the fact that we are pretty much doomed.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.