Originally Posted By: BC
Originally Posted By: Big Al
Originally Posted By: BC
Originally Posted By: 163dm
Simply yes. On some issues I can not vote the "lesser of two evils". Hypothectically, If I still vote for the "lesser evil" will I not be held accountable for endorsing and voting for evil?
An example of an issue that I will not compromise on is abortion. For example, if one candidate completely supports pro-choice, and another candidate supports only early term abortion. I have a choice. I can vote for wholesale murder, or I can vote for murder in some cases. Will God hold us accountable for voting for just murder in some cases?

Vote for whomever you want. Just don't cry and whine when you get Hillary and the liberal ideaology continues to overrun this country. Don't piss and moan when your daughter has to go to the bathroom with a 60 year old man in a dress. Don't cry to us when Muslim refugees start moving into your neighborhood.

Because it's what you asked for.

And the same goes for you who vote for Trump!

If Hillary isn't in office you won't hear me complain at all. When all this began I was torn between Cruz and Carson. When it became apparent that Trump was going to win in a route, I decided to swallow that pill and pull the lever for Trump. Some of you don't understand the level of silliness that will come out from our government if that liberal bitch gets the power of the President of the United States. She will do everything in her power to repeal the second amendment. She will bury any hardworking American who doesn't cater to gays and transgenders. She is the devil and must be stopped.

Is Trump the ideal candidate.... certainly not. I am quite sure he will take some actions as President that I would not agree with. What I do feel like is he won't attack gun owners, he will repeal Obamacare, and he will try to close the floodgates of illegal immigrants currently pouring into this country. Will he get rid of them all? No. Can he stop or slow down the constant flow of them coming into this country? Yes.

Here's what you know you will get with Hillary.

Attacks on gun ownership and the NRA.
Open borders welcoming illegals with open arms.
Muslim refugees.
Obamacare will continue to exist.
Catering to the gays and transgenders (men is dresses)
Liberal Agenda will be alive and well in the US for a minimum of 4 years and most probably 8.

There are simply too many negatives to list out.

And what I am saying is that level of silliness will continue with either Trump or Hillary. Unless there are some major changes (and that will not happen, and even if it does, it takes no time for the professional lobbyist to get to them and control them) in the Senate and House, Trump can do nothing by himself. It'll be pretty much the same as if Hillary were to get in, but may be a little slower in the attack on guns. That's probably coming no matter who gets in. Just may be a year slower with Trump.

"Said I never had much use for one; never said I didn't know how to use it".
-Matthew Quigley in "Quigley Down Under"