Originally Posted By: Ben2
Originally Posted By: bigt
I have always read on here about Trump's campaign donations so I decided to look into it. Yes he has given money to democrats but it looks like he had a change of thought and started donating mostly to republicans after being relatively even handed with his donations which is what a lot of successful business people do.....

We went to two authoritative databases of campaign finance data to examine Fergusons numbers: OpenSecrets.org, to find federal donations, and FollowtheMoney.org, for state-level donations.

Trump has actually been relatively evenhanded in doling out cash to the two parties, but since 1989, hes contributed over $350,000 more to Republicans running for federal and state offices, campaign finance records show.

Data from the Federal Election Commission and state elections offices provided by the two websites show that Trump has given $584,850 to Democrats and $961,140 to the GOP over the last 26 years.

The difference in donations is almost entirely captured in Trumps recent giving. Since 2012, Trump has donated $463,450 to Republicans and just $3,500 to Democrats (California Attorney General Kamala Harris and New York Assemblyman Michael Benedetto).

Why would he support any Democrats period?

Obviously for Business reason Ben.

Im sure you dont live in a bubble.

Im sorry Cruz lost..I voted for him too.

But if you expect to do business in NY, NJ , Vegas and Cali. and think you can do it WITHOUT contributing to them in those states..then youre being very naive.