Originally Posted By: straycat
I've typed out a response 4 times now and it totally comes across as ugly, Holier-than-thou and haughty no matter how I reword it. So here it is anyway.

So of y'all are just stupid or ignorant...not sure which...to not understand why some people will refuse to vote for Trump. It may be that some of y'all with such large opinions of us have very little capability to understand the concepts of Principle and Honor. I do not normally post such aggressive posts and sling names, but today I can't help it.

If you line up with Trumps values, vision and plans for America then I have zero problems with you voting for him. If you think he is the lesser of two evils and will support him no matter what so that Hillary will not be elected, then I have zero problems with you voting like that. Vote your damn conscience!

Many of us, including myself, do our best to live, act and vote on a certain set of principles and values. Since there is no such thing as a perfect candidate, we have to decide where the line is on compromise. I begrudge NO ONE who decides to support Trump. Their call, their decision. But for some of us, Trump doesn't even come close to the line where we could knowingly support him for President.

I for one refuse to vote for anyone who does not at least meet the majority of the Principles and Values I hold as important. Trump has done zero to persuade me. If any of y'all have been paying attention over the years, you know I'd also never vote for any Democrat. For me and many like me, it is a matter of Honor and Principle. That is more important than anything else, because our worldview and faith, if we are true to it, demands such action.

If you want to bash me, go ahead. I'm good with it. But if you do, you are unwilling or unable to recognize my individual liberty and freedom of conscience as equally important as yours.

And it is your individual freedom that will cease to exist after Hillary takes over.

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