Originally Posted By: AlabamaRebel

This is the most asinine argument made by Trump supporters. It defies all logic. "A no vote is a vote for Hillary!" BS. A no vote is just that, a no vote. Using your same logic, you can just as easily say "A no vote is a vote for Trump!"

Do you not understand how an election works? If there are two candidates vying for an office, and candidate R's voters are coming to the polls writing in Micky Mouse candidates and candidate D's voters are not, then you are handing the majority of the vote to them. It's pretty simple actually.

Originally Posted By: AlabamaRebel

but at the moment I am NeverTrump*.

*ALSO NEVERHILLARY. Shouldn't have to clarify that, but apparently I do for some of y'all.

Your'e going to get one or the other buddy. Which one can you live with?

"Some men are mere hunters; others are turkey hunters."

-- Archibald Rutledge