Originally Posted By: straycat
For me and many like me, it is a matter of Honor and Principle. That is more important than anything else, because our worldview and faith, if we are true to it, demands such action.

When Hillary's goons kick in your door to come in and seize your guns, maybe she will pat all y'all with Honor and Principle on the head and tell you what a good boy you are. She may even give you a gold star while she's at it.

I can say this about scumbag democrats. At least they show solidarity within their party, and that's why the scumbag liberals have taken over this country.

It's why small businesses are ruined because they refuse service to homosexuals.

It's why states are being sued by the Justice Department over what bathroom tranny's are allowed to use.

It's why people are being brow beaten to accept Muslims as our friends and allies.

It's why....... Ahhhh screw it. I'm talking to a brick wall.

"Some men are mere hunters; others are turkey hunters."

-- Archibald Rutledge