Originally Posted By: Ben2
Originally Posted By: MS_Hunter
Originally Posted By: hunting13
This election will effect this country for the next 25 + years! So you are voting for your kids and their kids.

BINGO !!!!! Might just be the most important election in our life time

Which is why I wanted a conservative constitutionalist as our nominee, but now I have Donald freaking Trump somehow.

Well we didn't get our conservative constitutionalist, so now we have a choice of a lifelong politician with an absolutely horrible point of view with an equally horrible track record, or a wildcard.

One or another of the two is going to rest their butt in the Oval Office. You already know what you're going to get with Hitlery, and how it will affect this country for decades, possibly even centuries. If anyone has kids or grandkids, I don't see how they could NOT vote AGAINST Hillary. Trump may be Satan in disguise or he could be just what we need right now. Like you, I don't trust him either, but I DAMNED sure don't want another Clinton in DC.

Some of you would rather see your rights and your heirs rights stripped away possibly for as long as we're living, than to take a chance on maybe something better. It is still a stretch to imagine it could be worse.
