Originally Posted By: Ben2
Originally Posted By: MS_Hunter
Originally Posted By: hunting13
This election will effect this country for the next 25 + years! So you are voting for your kids and their kids.

BINGO !!!!! Might just be the most important election in our life time

Which is why I wanted a conservative constitutionalist as our nominee, but now I have Donald freaking Trump somehow.

Exactly; people had been saying for years that the only Republicans that ever run were middle of the road moderates and whining about why cant we ever get a true conservative. Then finally we do get a true conservative constitutionalist and those same people vote for someone that could have just as easily ran as a democrat go figure. So the people that voted for him are going to get exactly what you asked for a democrat no matter who wins. In my opinion we are screwed either way the liberals have won they can't lose because they have one on each ticket, now they will get the judges they need on the supreme court to ruin this country forever. Way to go guys! Also will be a minor miracle if the democrats don't win the house and senate also.

If you're gonna be stupid you better be tough.