Originally Posted By: ElkHunter
Originally Posted By: Hogwild
I honestly do not remember.
But, it was multiple hogs every trip.
And, you are correct that they stay right in that area you are talking about. It is probably the most 'hoggy' place there.
And, with them clearing so much of Shell Creek for cattle.....I am sure it is even more so!

I do find it interesting that you and Don always brag about how many pigs you have killed along with other hog doggers, but when I ask you BOTH about those numbers, neither of you can provide them. Could it be that ya'll are simply estimating those numbers?

You are FOS, I can't tell you 20 yrs ago, But for the last 3 years I can tell you every hog I've caught, who was hunting with me, with what dogs, the property and what ever else you want to know, Well it's one thing I can't tell you and that's how many PIGS The pregnant Sow had in them, We catch enough that we don't have to add them to our totals like these professionals trappers do.....I really do enjoy going behind these professionals and hunting the properties That they have eradicated the hogs on, We seem to have real good luck on those places smile