Originally Posted By: jbc
Originally Posted By: bill

Originally Posted By: AlabamaRebel
Yall better stock up on guns and ammo cuz President Hillary is coming. We truly missed out on our last hope to restore America after the last 8 years of BS. Hillary, with the help of the media, will absolutely eviscerate Trump in the months to come. Let's face it...a guy who spouts off BS about Senator Cruz's father being involved in the JFKS assassination? Really? You expect him to win the general?! Good luck with that.

I know that I won't be voting for Donald or Hillary

I still don't understand you on this.

My best attempt at an analogy everyone would understand;

We are going to the hunting club this weekend and I ask everyone if they want steaks, burgers or chicken? Everyone in the camp voted burgers and chicken except for you, so I bought enough burgers and chicken for everyone. When we get there, instead of picking burger or chicken, you choose to go hungry because you say you'll only eat steak

Just pick burger or chicken. Don't go hungry

JBC, you need new members. What dumbass picks burgers or chicken over steak?

But seriously... I understand people (such as Bill and Ben2) who only vote their principles. However I pray they never lose their job. Because they would never find another one, because every job that is available would not be the perfect one. Wrong hours, too far to drive to get there, they make you were a colored shirt that is a color you despise.

Another analogy would be back in high school you thought Tiffany Amber Thieseen was the perfect female. There was a big dance coming and you didnt take one of the girls from school, because none of them were as perfect as Tiffany. So you sat at home while someone else took the girl from class who liked you. She fell in love with the other guy and now you are a 50 year old hermit living in a van down by the river.

Trump aint my first selection, but he is at least saying some of the things I agree with. Hillary is saying NOTHING I agree with, so I will vote for whoever is not named Hillary.

I love my country, but don't trust my government.